A murderous walk in Venice

I’m always being asked what’s real and what’s not in my stories about Venice. Since I’m in the city right now for a book signing (Thursday February 22, 5.30 pm, at Studium behind the Doge’s Palace) I thought I’d spend a little time making things clearer. The result is a short video which will appear on my YouTube channel at 9 am London time on Wednesday February 21 entitled Behind The Medici Murders. If everything works you should find it here.

I look at some of the places behind the murder of Lorenzino de Medici in 1548 which sparks the story and walk the way the doomed man did the night his assassins finally caught up with him at the Ponte San Tomà.

I hope you find it adds to the book. In future I plan to do the same for The Borgia Portrait and The Garden of Angels. They will be flagged up in a newsletter from here but you can subscribe to the YouTube channel too.

Now, back to Venice…


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Richard Armitage reading The Borgia Portrait